To book a session, phone consultation or purchase vouchers for loved ones; get in touch:

Mobile: 07471 941 034

Home: 01745 870 765



Consultations are done over the phone, where we’ll discuss your medical history and any on-going problems you have. This means I can then suggest a plan of treatment, tailored to you.


I’m currently mobile in Denbigh, North Wales and the Peninsula of Wirral. I also work every Monday in a clinic in Mold, North Wales.

Coronavirus outbreak: To keep myself and my clients safe, I work on an appointment only basis. All surfaces and equipment are cleaned and disinfected before the session, as well as hand sanitizer being available. I wear a face mask, and visor throughout the session. I ask my clients to please also wear a face mask, unless exempt by the government’s guidelines.


Clinic - 20 New Street, Mold CH7 1NZ