

Listed below are a range of treatments I offer and a short summary of how they work and what they can help with. I use essential oils to create a personal and unique treatment, in a calm, supportive environment. Each session is approximately 1-hour long.

If you would like more information about the natural therapies I offer, and how they could help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.



A deeply relaxing therapy that encourages the whole body to heal. This non-invasive technique balances and harmonizes the whole body by working on a physical, mental, emotional and sub-conscience level. It can also be an ideal alternative treatment for depression if cause not known.



A gentle and effective therapeutic massage of the feet using essential oils. Reflexology addresses both the manifestation and root causes of your symptoms through precise massaging of reflexes in your feet. It is effective in cases of backaches, headaches, back-pain, digestive orders, migraines, PMT, insomnia, stress, infertility, and most other ailments.


Indian Head Massage

A simple yet very effective massage working on the shoulders, upper back, neck, upper arms, head, face and ears. Indian Head Massage assists circulation, lymphatic drainage. It works on pressure points to relieve stress and muscular tension, good for migraines, headaches, sinus congestion, anxiety, insomnia and backaches. Very beneficial for those with desk jobs.


Metamorphic Technique

Works on the spinal reflexes located in the feet, hands and head. Known to work at a sub-conscience level it can be used to re-establish a flow of life through physical, mental and emotional bodies. Many people testify to significant changes in their life as negative patterns of behaviour are transformed and inner harmony restored.


Hopi Ear Candles

Offers an alternative to ear syringing as well as relieve from ear, nose and sinus problems, headaches, earaches and asthma. Made from high quality natural products, ear candles work on the same principle as moxibustion, to create a gentle suction action on the ear canal and drum. This treatment includes Reflexology to head and sinus reflexes to help clear sinus and neck tension.